⌨️ Symbol and Emoji Autocorrect

Copyright © 2019 Teal Dulcet

Replace text as the user types with Symbols and Emojis. Also see ☀️ Emoji Weather and 📅 Emoji Holidays.


Type any of the autocorrections into the three input types below. With the exception of the smart quotes, all the autocorrections are done after the user types the first nonmatching character following the character sequence, such as a space (␣). Press Backspace (⌫) to undo an autocorrection.


Browser Notes



ContentEditable Div

This text can be edited by the user.
Some bold and italic and bold text.

All autocorrections

This will replace 'ASCII single quotes' ('') with ‘Unicode single quotes’ (‘’) and "ASCII double quotes" ("") with “Unicode double quotes” (“”) (smart quotes).

This will also convert fractions and mathematical constants to Unicode characters (i.e. 1234.25 → 1234¼). Supports all Unicode fraction characters, Pi and e constants. Adapted from the Numbers Tool.

The tables below are sorted by the respective Symbol/Emoji columns. The Symbols/Emojis are shown their normal size to show the details.

Symbol autocorrections

This will replace ASCII characters with the equivalent Unicode Symbol. Most come from the mathematical symbols, logic symbols, arrows, geometric shapes, fraction and other Unicode Symbols and the ligatures supported by the Fira Code and Microsoft Cascadia Code fonts.


Emoji autocorrections

This will replace ASCII characters with the equivalent Unicode Emoji. Most come from the Emoticon Emojis.


Emoji Shortcode autocorrections

This will replace Emoji Shortcodes with the respective Unicode Emoji.